Making Your Little Learners Light Up With This STEM Kit

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.

This sturdy little red tool box of wonders came from KitHub who sponsored this review. Their Future Engineers Kit was a perfect learning kit for my class of littles with a 5, 7 and 8 year old.


Are You Still Looking For the Electrical Tape?

This was me, all of last year. The kids were hunting down crafts and experiments faster than I could log them, but we kept coming up short. Missing parts were keeping us one step away from awesome.

That is when I started to rethink my aversion to subscription boxes did some real research.

What I found out was learning kits are amazing tools. There are tons of types to choose from. They are more affordable than I thought. Especially, when I factored in the gas and time I was spending finding parts or delaying projects. Most kit makers have a few different kits to choose from.

There is no risk of being stuck in a club that never ends. You will have high quality projects, with lots of bonus features to keep learning beyond the initial projects.

We got to play with KitHub’s FUTURE ENGINEER KIT over the last few weeks and had a great time creating the projects and thinking of new ways to play with the kit’s components.


Fun and Learning With KitHub
Future Engineer at Work

My older child (8) in the group had a good challenge with the Motorized Bot. We worked together to find a good way to tape the battery pack to the cup. I was fun to talk through the advantages and disadvantages to taping it in different places.

I could see her thinking about the different effects even before we turned the motor on to check. We made some changes to see the different ways the little cup bot would move. The kit came with plenty of electrical tape so we weren’t afraid to try a bunch of new things.

After we got done making him move, we gave him some legs with three markers and had ourselves a new Marker Bot. The kids had a great time guessing what way the bot would go, and guessing about the message it left. They decided it was a big heart. What do you think?

There are more ideas on the site for each kit
Keep the fun going with additional ideas from KitHub

Next, my daughter (7) surprised me. She wanted to do the Circuit Card on her own. We had just learned about paper circuits. In fact you can check out more at the MIT Media Lab. I was not sure if she would be able to apply the copper tape neatly, but she did an amazing job.

I think that might be one of the best things about these learning kits.

My children’s capabilities surprise me. It has taken us out of our normal routine and lets me sit back and appreciate them. I really do love teaching them and these kits make it fun for us to work together. Check out these nimble fingers at work.

Create a sense of pride in a well done project
The best part about the KitHub project was watching my little kids really engage and be careful. This was their project. They were proud of the end result.

My little guy (5) was thrilled to get to do the Hero Mask! It was a very simple project for a child with a little attention span. We could have made it more elaborate but he was very happy with his coloring job, so who was I to argue. Just look at that face.

Light up your imagination
KitHub has projects for every age and ability

Every project was neatly packaged in its own baggie with a fantastic heavy weight instruction card. I can see these being around for a long time. No flimsy paper instructions. KitHub knows who they are making their kits for. They are kid friendly and easy on me as a parent.

We are going to try the plans to motorize our legos. You can see it here. Thanks to KitHub for passing along the ideas. They are going to keep us creating for a while longer.

A kit makes it easy to focus on one thing
Inspire your little ones to be super makers


As a busy parent, I would recommend this kit as well as the others from KitHub. They have an Underwater Microphone Kit that would be cool for this summer and a Dance Party Circuit Kit that reacts to sound with LED lights.

We would not have done these projects on our own. All of the parts were conveniently collected in one kit from KitHub. Everything I needed in one place, ready when we were.

A kit means no looking for the tape, no missing batteries.

I have concluded that it’s a good choice to get help from a great company and your kids can receive a great experience in the exchange.

Make STEM learning a part of your special time with your kids too. Watch them discover. It will make your day.


How many project kids are in your house right now?
Setting aside time to do those “extras” you never get around to might be the best school choice ever.


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