Check out Bloglovin

Follow my blog with Bloglovin”> Bloglovin is a great way to pull all my blogs I love to read into one place while not clogging up my email. Don’t get me wrong there are quite a few golden blogs I subscribe to. They come straight to my email because I do not want to miss their latest posts,…

On the dry ground

On the dry ground

But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right, and on their left.  Exodus 29:14 Today I am reminded that the same water that threatens to suffocate and smother me, did not destroy me. Instead of bringing death, troubled seas opened up…

If Only…

These words are the rally cry of the discontent, the co-dependent, and the depressed.  I was in a relationship (a million years ago) that gave me a serious case of the “if only’s”.  If only my boyfriend was in better health, we would be happy. If only my underage self could hang out at the…