Hands-On History Tools for Multiple-Learner Families

Hands-On History Tools for Multiple-Learner Families

My kids can share, but often we choose to allow the kids to work on a hands-on project while I read. Having everything they need right there and not having to wait for a sibling to finish with the glue is a huge blessing because it reduces interruptions and opportunities for bickering. I want them to work on manners, just not while I am trying to read Johnny Tremain!

Why Do We Homeschool?

Why Do We Homeschool?

Homeschooling can be the tool you need to help your child thrive. It can call out their best. It can allow them to pursue their true passion, like music or art, dance or sports. Homeschooling has allowed us to be a closer family even though our entrepreneur life had crazy hours. It is just a tool we are using, with it we build a life we love.