How to Automate & Streamline Your Blog Calendar
CoSchedule breaks big jobs into individual tasks. I use work flow Automations to meet compliance on my reviews and social sharing posts, now I write faster
CoSchedule breaks big jobs into individual tasks. I use work flow Automations to meet compliance on my reviews and social sharing posts, now I write faster
If you have a homeschool Junior; Do these three things now! A few months back Grandma took all of the younger kids and I had a four day crash course in the Hidden Arts of Applying to College. I filled out applications, FAFSA forms, found scholarship sites, and read a ton about what I should have…
Looking for recommendations for Language Arts Tools and curriculum that will help you have a great homeschool year? We would love to help. At 200 Fingers & Toes, we want to provide real and tangible information you can use to make homeschooling not only easier to choose, but also easier to actually execute. One of…
Find everything you need to begin your first year of homeschooling in one place with links to resources you will need
My kids can share, but often we choose to allow the kids to work on a hands-on project while I read. Having everything they need right there and not having to wait for a sibling to finish with the glue is a huge blessing because it reduces interruptions and opportunities for bickering. I want them to work on manners, just not while I am trying to read Johnny Tremain!
Sarah Van Kleeck has revolutionized my idea of lessons as I knew them. She is a Suzuki Method violin teacher for the last 27 years and designed Practice Monkeys to solve the problem of finding lessons that are Comprehensive, Convenient, Fun, Effective, Excellent and Affordable.
There is nothing better than when your young student begins really reading on their own. The folks at WorthyKids/Ideals gave my daughter an adventure she loved so much she couldn’t wait to review book 2 of The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls. Of course, I would expect nothing less from the company that brings great stories like…
Beloved: 365 Devotions for Young Women from Zondervan is a great way to help them know it. I have daughters that are in the transitional stage of their faith walk; they are no longer little children, they are ready to dig in and learn for themselves. They are already in the habit of Bible time…
Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is a course by Lisa Tanner Writing, a Mom who has been finding her way around kids and working for quite some time. As a Mom-preneur my skill set is stretched thin most days. Though I am out of the diaper stage and am far from free and clear of the…
Homeschooling for the Slower Paced Learner We all know the story of the tortise and the hare. As a homeschool mom, I am their running coach. I have to find a way to help the tortise AND the hare to reach the finish line and win the race, each according to their learning style. We…
Our oldest is nineteen and a second semester freshman in college. He is on a pre-law track, double majoring in Business and Mathematics. So, I do believe in miracles, because math is not a language that I speak. This goes to prove that nothing can hold back a curious mind. A well rounded education can…
Creating a Sonlight Success Story means making sure you are writing one for your family. Assessing your needs and knowing the tools that will help you accomplish them is the key.
The kids have gotten used to having a computer learning program as a part of their school day. In order to simplify our day we are using to review math skills as a morning opening activity for our K-5 students. I love that they are willing to try new math skills they have never…
Homeschooling can be the tool you need to help your child thrive. It can call out their best. It can allow them to pursue their true passion, like music or art, dance or sports. Homeschooling has allowed us to be a closer family even though our entrepreneur life had crazy hours. It is just a tool we are using, with it we build a life we love.
Kingdom Files are biographies for kids from Barbour Publishing that put life into the Biblical narratives. If your child is only getting the Sunday School version of the Bible they are missing out on so much. If you are a parent you know how much explaining it takes to answer the simplest questions from your…