Is Your Child Ready For More Than a Saturday Morning Cartoon Character’s Spanish
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Foreign language is required for high school credit, but you don’t have to wait that long to introduce your child to the richness of Spanish or French. Whistlefritz has real language lessons for your Pre-K and early Elelmentary child you can lead from home so I was eager to review their Educator’s Spanish Collection with my 5,7 and 8 year old for several reasons.
Whistlefritz Requires No Previous Language Experience
This is great, because like most American High School students I took Spanish 1 and 2 and couldn’t really tell you much except where the big, blue, library is. This program is designed for beginners, and that includes the teacher. You can take a full hands on approach or a more laid back approach and just let your children explore a new language without mastery in mind.
The Earlier A Child Learns a New Language The Better…For All Areas Of Learning
The elementary years are a time when Neuro pathways are being created in the brain. These networks will serve as pathways for learning throughout your child’s entire life. Learning a second language creates more of these pathways the are unique for NEW knowledge. The brain literally makes up more room to store this new material. Even if the language moves out of that space and your 20 year old can’t even remember how to ask for “directions to the disco-tech” or “where the fat cat is,” he will still have this space to place newly acquired skills for his whole life. That means your child will be a smarter adult. I just hope they don’t use all of that space for skills acquired from professional YouTubers.
No matter what they are doing in schools, the best way to learn a language for communicating is through immersion. The best selling Forigen Languasge programs for adults know this is true. This is why they begin with full immersion in the whole language with audio and visual aids. This is how our brains makes faster connections that are rooted more deeply that random strings of words and phrases.
The Educator’s Collection contains five high quality DVDs and three parent-brain-friendly, music CDs that your kids will want to watch over and over. This concrete repetition process with visual reinforcement really helps your child learn rapidly. You might just get sucked in for an episode yourself.