New Parents Are Learning the Untold Cost of Homeschooling?

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What is the untold cost of homeschooling? Are parents prepared to stand as the doors to public school activities slam in their faces? As the number of homeschoolers rises, some schools embrace the homeschool community, while others draw clear lines of demarcation. Currently, homeschooled students are denied participation in field trips, dances, and graduation ceremonies. Still, even students who are filed as dual-enrolled in the district are being dismissed from participating.

What is your line in the sand? For some, it is beloved sports, band, or high school-level classes. Other parents have seen their children suffer enough in the system that no longer serves them.

As homeschoolers, I hope that we can not be bought cheaply!

Founding Members of the Homeschool Movement Understood the Cost & Risked Jail to Homeschool

While new homeschoolers are shocked, veterans expect to see stronger resistance from districts as they write their rules. If homeschooling continues to grow, districts will fight to keep students tied to the system. The offers might become tempting, but at what cost to the homeschool community and your family?

This leads to bigger questions.

One, are new homeschooling parents willing to pay the high cost to choose homeschooling if resistance continues to escalate? Are a few dances and a graduation ceremony enough to pull you from your convictions, or is it the equivalent of the work pizza party, too little for too much?

Secondly, is the new wave of homeschooling families precisely the energy, motivation, and numbers we need to build genuinely vibrant communities that meet needs while sharing our values?

Before we start demanding services from the school

Let’s discuss the genuine and present opportunity to build a vibrant and welcoming homeschool community that meets your family’s needs and connects to create a lasting community.

Listen as we start the conversation in Episode 12 of season 2 of the In Due Season Homeschool Podcast.

Counting the Cost to Homeschooling.

The price might be high, but the cost of staying in a broken system is higher. Choosing to homeschool is worth the minor losses, and you stand the most significant opportunity to gain a relationship with your child and to become a leader in a NEW world!

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