One Click to Grow Your Teen’s Leadership Skills

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.

You know how much I love to share wonderful resources with you to help you on your homeschooling journey. Well, I’d like to chat a little more with you about this because I’m pretty thrilled to be involved in a “super” fun event just for homeschoolers that equips your whole family with leadership skills. 

Maybe you’re wondering if what you’ve been doing all year is really working. Will it really prepare my kids to be an adult in the real world? Rest assured you’re not alone. I feel it, too, and I’ve been at this for eighteen years. I am always seeking out ways to educate myself to grow and give my family the best I can.

That’s why I love a brand, new event called Life Skills Leadership Summit (Feb 22-26) so much. It can be your calm away from the storm.  This special week is filled with content to help you, encourage you and center you so you can be more intentional and consistent as you finish out your year….whether this is your first or fourteenth year.

Making a smooth transition to High School
Get Your Teens Ready for the Future…

Psst.. Want to find out who is speaking right now?

Download the WHOLE 5 Day Schedule

What do we as homeschoolers need more than anything?

Well, coffee (or tea) of course, but after that, we need support. We need to know we’re not alone, working in isolation. We need community and words of encouragement.

And right now, you can get free access to this year’s Life Skills Leadership Summit, expert homeschoolers who are available to help you. 

What are other homeschool parents and members saying?

There is so much more to education than just learning facts. In preparing our children for the real world, they need real life skills.

As a speaker I am excited to listen and learn from all the other amazing sessions that will help me to grow as a parent and help my children become confident well-equipped leaders.      – Meaghan Jackson of Joyful Mud Puddle

Every speaker I heard was so encouraging. This has been a lot of fun for me. Thanks for sharing!  Guisla

I have really appreciated many of the interviews, and I was looking forward to her interview and Gena Suarez’s. Gena’s was so good. I am more confident in my decision to persevere in homeschooling for the good of our entire family! Thanks again for making this available to everyone free of charge. What a blessing!      Mel

How will the Summit help? 

They are offering . . . 

  • 60+ video workshops on topics you asked for (how to, special needs, planning, organization, parenting, motivating kids, and all those subject areas)
  • Handouts to help you follow along 
  • Swag Bag of freebies and discounts (over $550)
  • Community Group where our Summit Speakers will be available to answer your questions and encourage you on your journey
Get more than leadership skills with the huge Swag Bag Bonuses!

The best part for you is this. You can attend for free with the Basic Pass. Each workshop is available for 24 hours during the week of February 22-26. Grab your Free Basic Pass by clicking here.

And a Big Surprise for YOU . . .

I want to help you be the best homeschool parent ever, so I am creating a special offer on a new course just for you. When you upgrade to lifetime access with this link by Monday, February 22, I’ll send you my 30 Days to Homeschool Renewal Course for Free. ($40 value) It is getting the finishing touches. This course includes an Accountability Worksheet PDF Download of documents you will use go get back on track and stay accountable in your life and homeschool.

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