Timeless Gifts for Creative Mothers
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this review or post, but all opinions are our own.
Women love when you are paying attention. Gifts that say you are paying attention are the best kind of gifts to receive. I would like to share some things I have loved using in my busy life. Some hard working, never sitting on the shelf gifts for the creative woman in your life. Is your wife an artist with empty sketch books and the itch to create? Does your little sister tinker in art but you know she could do more? Give them the gift that will help them explore their own talents and be creative. Give them permission to set time aside for being creative by giving them a gift that shows you understand that creative time is valuable time.
As husbands, parents, brothers and sisters we have a huge role as supporters of the women in our lives. By allowing her to feel pride and joy in the creative process you nurture a deeper relationship and affirms her.
This year support the creative woman you love by giving her permission to create. Encourage her with a few simple tools.
For the Writer, Journal Keeper, and Chronic Note Taker
These Studio Oh! Journal sets in Botanical and Woodland Creatures are stitch bound with a strong cover. Small enough to carry on any adventure tucked into your purse but pretty enough to make you want to pull them out and write. Having a set of three makes it little less sad when you finish filling one up.
If you would like to give your creative friend a little push towards a more creative life then The Artist’s Way is a great gift to give her. The book is 12 weeks of self paced exercises designed to help creative people get unstuck. Her method has worked for hundreds and hundreds of people over the last 20 years. You could order the book alone but ordering the journal at this price leave your creative friend with no excuses. I’ve gone through the book twice and have grown each time I went through it.
A more whimsical version would be 642 Things to Write About. Consider it a writing prompt spring board. If giving this as a gift I would insist on receiving a top 10 favorites in return next year for Christmas. The point is to encourage action, so make it as fun and doable as possible.
You could include a cute pencil bag and a few smooth writing pens as well, but beware, we writers are super quirky when it comes to our pens.
For the Artist or Painter
These Sakura Micron pens are the best thing I bought all year. They are delicious, smooth but quick drying as well, which is a prime buying factor for us lefties. I can count four sets that I am planning to buy this holiday season and the list will only grow. For right around $10 there is nothing you can give an artist with more versatility than this set.
I have mentioned this set before but I can not fail to mention it again. One main purpose of this blog is to help people make time for creativity and this watercolor set from Koi should be the poster child for the cause. Nothing makes me want to paint more than the ease this set gives me. I love tube watercolor, but there are times when the mess is enough to make me pass. This set destroys every excuse I have not to paint.
If I really wanted to do my self a favor I would add a few more of these Pentel synthetic brushes. I had no intention of using these with my kit having mostly fine sable hair brushes in my art kit, but I was pleasantly shocked about how while these brushes performed. For my field kit or on the back deck, these make traveling with watercolors painless.
There are tons of “how to” books on every subject. Instead of a gift certificate to the book store, make a date and browse the book store together and let her show you what she is interested in. Encourage her and be sure to let her know that you value every part of her including her expressions of creativity.
Creativity nourishes our souls and lets us caregivers, care for ourselves. Thanks for loving the creative woman in your life and I hope this gives you a few ideas.
You can still purchase this big favorite chalk board journal set from Studio Oh! as well as several others.
I look forward to seeing you here and follow me on Twitter
Ok, so my husband needs this email so if you accidentally send this to xxxxxxx@xxxxxx that’d be great! Thanks, my creative and beautiful friend!