What Do You Want From Me? Here’s mud in your eye.

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 “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord,” he replied, “I want to see!”

Jesus, God made flesh, is face to face with a blind man. Not only has he known this man from the beginning of time as his creator, but he has know about this very moment as God, it’s author. All of eternity has led up to one moment, a meeting with this blind beggar and still, Jesus assumes nothing. He stops, faces the man, and asks,”What do you want me to do for you?”

Does this seem a bit ridiculous to anyone but me? The man is blind, his inability to see has left him destitute, it’s obvious he wants to see, right? So why is Jesus asking such a simple question?

The fact is, Jesus does not move on our person without our permission. The sad truth is that when He asks, we often say no thank you to Jesus’ expertise. We have a free will and can continue wandering in blindness if we desire to do so. You see it every day in the lives of people around you, groping in spiritual darkness, living the same troubles every day, never gaining victory, blind. 

The moment the Holy Spirit stirs your heart to belief Jesus is asking, what do you want Him to do. If we want God to move on our behalf we need to begin by asking Him. What is it you want from Him.

Do you know what you want from Him today? What is holding us back? Why do we resist speaking out and asking God for the things that we need ?Are we afraid that he will refuse us? Do we fear revealing our deepest need to God because we fear His reaction. Do I fear what He will ask me to do something in return. This is a legitimate fear. The truth is that no matter what God does, He will want to change your life forever. He will ask you to do something, He will ask you to follow Him.

Jesus is known for responding in unexpected ways. Another blind man found this out when Jesus spit in dirt and spread the paste over his empty sockets. To spit, in the Jewish culture, is a vile and disgusting thing. If a person spits in the road you can no longer walk here because it is considered unclean. You would cross the street and pass it on the other side. I am guessing that this was not the answer the blind man expected, but he wanted to see. Jesus can use the vile and unclean to make something clean and new. How much more can Jesus take the curses and dirt from our lives and use them to give us new eyes to see. Eyes that see your world in a whole new way. I encourage you today to know God is asking “What is it, that you want me to do for you.” He is asking because His desire is to meet your deepest need. It is a journey that begins when you ask.

And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see (Luke 18:41 – 18:43 NLT)

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